open sentences  
2 results

open sentences - A math statement, either true or false, based on values supplied for a variable

Equation and Inequalities
Free Equation and Inequalities Calculator - Solves an equation or inequality with 1 unknown variable and no exponents as well as certain absolute value equations and inequalities such as |x|=c and |ax| = c where a and c are constants. Solves square root, cube root, and other root equations in the form ax^2=c, ax^2 + b = c. Also solves radical equations in the form asqrt(bx) = c. Also solves open sentences and it will solve one step problems and two step equations. 2 step equations and one step equations and multi step equations

Literal Equations
Free Literal Equations Calculator - Solves literal equations with no powers for a variable of your choice as well as open sentences.